Monday, July 18, 2011

A letter to my former Spouse

This is what I wrote my ex-spouse about our children's return. I found out she replied to this e-mail in her normal fashion. This will give you a little insight into how I have dealt with her and in return how she deals with me.

As I informed you with the previous email, I will be returning the kids to you on Saturday the 23rd, ETA 1700. The reason for the later time is I am trying to bring some of the kids belongings via uhaul. If I get my HHG I will bring back what they wish for me to return. Moo wants her bed and for her other main items to remain here. I also know you have a bunkbed for the boys so I I can fit their dressers I will bring them along with what ever else they want.
As far as support for our kids. I think for you to have contacted everyone in my chain of command and concern and to go outside that and then contact the Armor School CSM...Jennifer you wanted out of th marriage, you drove this train and now you dislike the destination and wish to change directions and track...not gonna happen.
I love our kids and I will always be there and support them the best I can no matter what you do. They have a copy of all our stuff on file with the IG's office here at FBGA so you can contact them but they already have been informed of you by my chain of command.
Next is child support. You know its gonna be based on how much you make as well as I. Its estimated at 1400.00 a month. I will contact Dawn and make sure I'm good to pay you that amount on 1AUG since you will have the kids and school starts in two days. I want to make sure I get credit for paying early without the court order for child support being in place.
I have stopped shielding the kids from all this because no matter how hard I will not allow me too.  So this "agreement" is fully known by them because I discussed it with them weeks ago so they know the truth and understand how your actions affect me and my finances and inturn how it affects them. I had planned on spending money on school cloths and such but they understand by you dragging me to court I have to again pay my lawyer which is taking money away from them.
I've always cooperated with you...yet you always try to portray me as this "stereotypical" blackman in the Army who won't take care of his kids. Well I always do what's right and you know that. Also the "martial property," you are seeking a fair distrobution of said property. Well...becareful what you wish for, I have advised that if this goes before the judge ALL MARITAL PROPERTY WILL BE EQUALLY DISTRUBUTED. You forget that all the debt was jointly in our names so I will ask that you take half of all the debt. So all will be on the table so to speak. None of this ever had to go down like this but you seem to feed on the craziness of all this and its crystal clear to all except you. I'm truly sorry for the place you have found yourself in. I did my best to set us up both for success in the eyes of our friends, family and most importantly our children. Yet you have fought me as if I were trying to destroy you and yourr name when in actualality...I was trying to look out for you and part as friends not enemies. The judge said you will never cooperate with me nor co-parent. This sentiment has been echoed by all yet I still try. Guess I hope that one day the woman I fell in love with and married will show up and we can move into our kids future as friends and work together. Yeah...its a dream that I will continue to hold on too.

I hope you are successful in your new career and life as a single mother as you have always asked to be. According to rule 702-704 I know what I'm entitled. Id like the kids for fall break in October and according to it being an odd year I will have thanksgiving and you xmas. Take care and godspeed Jennifer....

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