Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's next?

 Well got my notice in the mail today...Jenny's appeal was...DENIED. LOL. You can't help but laugh anyway. I mean she was appealing on the grounds that she felt the judge was biased against her. Well if you lied in court and then returned several times making an ass of yourself...hell I'm pretty sure the judge has an opinion but I will say this, he has bent over backwards being fair to her. I know if I was in his position, I would have told her to pound sand long ago. And you can't appeal and have a judge bounced because "YOU THINK" he will rule against you and you wont like said ruling. LMAO
 So, now that evals are complete, just need to get a court date so this nightmare will be over. I had to send her some documents certified for her to sign. Yeah, I know..she won't sign them but it doesnt matter and she will never get that. I still continue to do the right thing and follow the rules.

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