Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Guns Don't Kill...People Do!"

“Guns don’t kill…people do.” Catchy title huh? Yeah, it grabs the attention and then provokes thought. I’m sure you may be wondering why I said this. Well this morning is my daughter’s 8th grade graduation. She didn’t tell when it was and I had to call the school to find out when it was. They are breaking it up into two times, 0815 and 0930. I asked her which one is hers…the answer I got…"Like 9 I think.” Seriously? You are a straight “A” student and you don’t know when you graduation is? Knowledge is power and thus the power struggle continues. I have been in this battle since March 5th 2009. I have taken several different approaches as well as stances. So you may disagree…but I’m sorry. I did call the school and they weren’t sure which group she was in. I’m 100% sure her Mom knows which one and whether she shows…is immaterial to me. I will show up at or around 0915 and if I have missed it…that’s life. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do until we get to do the things we want to do.

Anyone who says divorce is hard…you’re full of crap. Divorces are never ever hard! They are as simple as going to Wal-Mart and buying eggs. You find the eggs, get in line, pay for them and leaving the store. Divorces are no different. It’s a choice. You can choose to leave the marriage and be civil or you can choose to be an arse. I don’t wanna hear the “it’s painful” crap either. We all know right from wrong! And a divorce is not an excuse to do wrong…it’s unacceptable. We don't always get what we want in this life. But because you make the decesion to end your marriage, doesnt give you the right to do what you know is wrong just for the sake of saving face or because idiots are whispering crap in your ear. So if I’m broke…you’re telling me it’s ok to rob a bank? I mean I’m broke and I need to feed my family. So that’s where the quote comes in. We have hundreds of weapons in the military sitting in our armsrooms. They are ineffective unless a Soldier has possession of said weapon and then uses it as directed. So now you know what I mean and where I’m coming from. Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees.

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