Wednesday, May 6, 2015

So, is it a lie? Who attacked who?

Ok, it has been said by my former spouse Jennifer that  I attacked her at our home because I came there, demanded to see my kids, she wouldn't let me see my kids, I beat her up, drove around the corner and called her girlfriend Sheila Whitfield and told her that I had just beat her up (Sheila testified in court to this). Jennifer also stated that I called her cell phone and tied up the phone line so that she was unable to call the police. And it was 2 hours later when she finally did call the police on the phone and they came to the house. Now when she phoned the Police she said that someone was "shining a light on our house" yet when the officers arrived and saw her she told them that I came there and attacked her.

Now a few facts before I show documents which all have a different story of the events in question:

1. I was on my way home from a week in NJ when all this went down. I was actually in Nelson County getting gas 10 minutes after the alleged attack took place. My lawyer had a copy of my bank statement which was time stamped with the name of the gas station, location and time I used my debit card to get gas.

2. We both had T-mobile phones and she had access to her phone records that would show how I not only tied up her cell for hours so she couldn't call the police but showing that I called her girlfriend Sheila and confessed to attacking her. Did you ever wonder if I were tying up her cell line, why not go into the house and use the house phone since we had one? Why did Jennifer not bring copies of her cell calls to show that I did indeed tie up her cell line? Probably because that too was a lie.

3. I was talking with a friend from high school the entire ride and I had the cell records along with the bank information but we never had to use it because after I spoke and the arresting officer spoke, it was clear Jennifer lied. 

4. Her blood alcohol content was .315. She has disputed this several times citing that it was an error, time had passed and that the test was improperly done. That would mean a lot of folks have gotten DUIs that didn't deserve them. Any professional or adult who understand that in order to have a BAC that high and still be able to function, you are in deed an alcoholic and have built up a tolerance for high usage over the years. Jennifer drank and got drunk daily after she failed out of nursing school...DAILY. She stopped briefly after Alex begged her to but it lasted about 2 weeks. That was a very peaceful two weeks in our home. She would go through 2 boxes of White Zinfandel (her favorite) a week easy or Captain Morgan and Diet Coke. And there was no wine glasses used, she used our glasses that held at least 15oz.

So now, using various documents you can read just how many versions of the story Jennifer told.

Version 1 The police report.

Version 2, Neglect report 

Version 3, EPO (Emergency Protective Order) number 1

Version 4, the 2nd EPO she tried to file (This one was more detailed and written a few days later after she sobered up)

Version 5, The Congressional
“Sgt Jerome Dingle volunteered to go for a one year tour in order to avoid divorce. Once he returned he then left after 2 weeks to go to New Jersey leaving my four children once again in my care. Upon returning to Kentucky he assaulted me-convinced a police officer I had falsified a report and I was jailed. I have never been in trouble with the authorities prior to this. He went for emergency custody of the 4 children claiming I am “unfit” and an “alcoholic.” After leaving the children voluntarily for over a year he then claimed these accusations. With no evaluations and based purely on hearsay the judge took my parental rights from me and I had to vacate my home. I am now homeless. I have passed 2 professional evaluations deeming me to not be an addict. Sgt Jerome Dingle then attempted to have my 17 year old son arrested as a runaway after an argument when he physically accosted my child. My 17yr old is now with me and we are homeless and penniless. I had to pawn jewelry in order to be in the hotel I’m in until tomorrow. He had threatened my life and on Thursday April 30th told my three younger children (ages 12-10-8) over an incident where my daughter was sent a pizza from my friend that “If you tell your mother anything- I will make it so you NEVER see your mother again.” I take that as a two folded threat. #1-he will continue to manipulate the judicial system and #2-he will follow through with his threats to kill me.

At a minimum-I am asking the military to assist me to require Sgt Dingle to provide me with shelter and money to live on.”

So, there you have it. Which story is accurate? Version 1? 3? 2?  Was it me, the hitman or the guy I hired that beat her up? Which version are you the reader or her friend to believe? How about it doesn't matter. The facts speak for themselves as did the phone records, my sons and the bank statements. I simply wasn't there. So common sense takes over now and you have to ask yourself, "If she lied about this to friends, family and her kids...what else has she lied about?"

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