Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Stay tuned Sports's coming.

 For years I have battled with my former spouse over the dumbest shit. I have bent over backwards to be fair and follow the rules. Problem is, you can't make another person do the right thing. For years my ex has run around telling any one who would listen at how horrible a person I am, how my kids hate me, etc.,etc. Yet only a few times have I ever seen someone within her circle ask her some hard truths. And when they did, she either ignored them or she unfriend them. Because my ex doesn't like to be challenged. I have been paying child support in the amount of $1,391.11 since I was court ordered to. But if you listen to my ex...I'm a deadbeat and I don't pay. Why, because she wanted the money in an allotment and directly deposited into her account monthly. She didn't want to be inconvenienced by having to deposit a check. With a minimum wage job she'd be cleaning house financially, with the addition of my child support...but she isn't. If she was at least working a 40hr a week job, she'd have plenty of money and wouldn't have so much time to be online searching and writing about whatever...especially me. She was hospitalized a few months ago. I contacted her and said could you let me know who is watching our kids while you maybe hospitalized and what's the plan in case your stay was lengthened. What I received back was a backlash of name calling and that I was violating HIPA laws. I reminded her that we were married and that I knew of her Lupus as well as blood clotting issues. Oh and that we have SHARED-JOINT CUSTODY and that she is only the PHYSICAL CUSTODIAN therefore she is required to keep me in the loop in case of emergencies. Nope...she refused.

 She has refused to pay 50% of travel or meet me half way for exchanges as court ordered but I'm the deadbeat. She refuses to pay 50% of all medical and dental bills...but I'm the deadbeat. I agreed to give her a car which I paid for. She is the mother of my children and she needed transportation. But when it was time for her to take ownership and pay her own registration, title (she refused to go get the title from my attorney) and insurance I had to spend a week calling agencies to figure out how to make her take a car that she wanted and I agreed she could have in the divorce settlement. That same settlement outlined who got what furniture and if we couldn't agree...then we'd have to go back to court. I wrote her several times weeks in advance trying to iron this out. Nope...she took what she wanted and moved 2 miles away. But after she was made the physical she wanted more furniture. Problem was it had already been shipped to Georgia. Now I STOLE things from her and the split wasn't fair. Once again, it's everyone's fault but Jenny's. Huh? You took what you wanted and moved 2 miles away. I even contacted her and told her she had 2 weeks to come get the rest of her things she forgot. That 2 weeks turned into 6 months at which time...I disposed of the stuff. But now...she wants more stuff and off to court we go....again.

 Since this whole debacle started back in 2009 when I returned from Korea I have had to deal with an ungodly amount of bullshit. I did so because she would make life hell for our kids and she'd call the good ole Army and complain and accuse me of more bullshit. She even contacted Family Advocacy on FT Bragg and said I was harassing her and what not. And naturally they assumed she must be the victim...that is until I showed them all my paperwork. She neglected to tell them she lived 10 HOURS AWAY and that I had a Domestic Violence Order against her which she was actually violating. I later was apologized to and she was told not to contact them again (they thought she was in Fayetteville). So what did she do next, yep once again she started calling my unit. I have a court order that says she is not to contact my employer yet, some leaders within the Army opted to ignore that and once again I had to bend over backwards for her when I was already bending over backwards.

She has threatened to "EXPOSE" me and my abuse. She has constantly said how I failed a forensic evaluation and she passed with flying colors. Where is the proof? Why not post for all the world to see and read? As she has said, it's all public record. She has talked about writing a book in which again...I will be exposed. I lost two positions because of her excessively calling my units and making claims to later find out they were all bullshit. I have had two congressional investigation done on me which both said I was going "ABOVE AND BEYOND MY LEGAL AND MORAL OBLIGATIONS." I have dealt with MORE BULLSHIT than anyone person should have too.

So now...I'm retired! My kids are grown...I'm no longer dealing with weak leadership who are unwilling to tell my ex to pound sand or telling me that I shouldn't voice my feelings because all it will do is have her continue to call them and they are tired of fielding calls from her. I have never written about anything or posted things in this blog I can not prove. She talks about me and my new life a great deal. Even talks about my wife whom she doesn't know. You'd think that if her life was so great she'd be doing wonderful now. Nope, she'd rather go on Facebook and talk about how I'm an abusive monster and how I ruined her life. Never once has she ever taken responsibility for her actions. No longer do I have to bite my tongue and suck it up. Why? Because I'm just a regular ole person now. Who are you gonna call and tell? No one cares about your divorce, not the Army, the newspapers, the media nor President Obama.

So...I will begin to clear the air on all this bullshit. She has bragged about all this but never once posted anything in black and white. So guess what, I will post all the documents that I have and then you...the reader can decide what is what. And you can go back to my original posts where I detailed what took place from the time I got home from Korea, the night of my ex's arrest until the day we walked out of mediation. From the arrest to the forensic report and all documents in-between and once it's ALL posted I'm done. I've waited 6 years to really tell folks how I feel and what I thought. To give the other side of the story that was conveniently left out. My ex is a master at telling half truths and sound bites. Not this time Police reports, court documents don't lie. They are what they are. So stay tuned sports fans....because the's coming.

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