Sunday, May 18, 2014

You Come Here Often? Or Shall I Say...STALK MUCH???

Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. That’s the definition and it’s pretty clear. Why am I writing about this, because I awoke to a grip of emails saying anonymous folks were commenting on a blog post I did. So I looked over a few and had to laugh inside. How come these women are coming onto my blog and defending my ex? It’s no secret that she and I don’t get along and like the judge said in court "Mr. Dingle, she will never cooperate with you and she will never co-parent with you. I commend you for your attempts and wish you luck in the future.” So here it is five years later and a new crop of ladies are taking up defending Jennifer and have done so via comments on my blog.

The term stalker started to be used by the media in the 20th century to describe people who pester and harass others. So this is the internet, and you have to actively look for things. They don’t just pop up on your screen. Someone must send you a link or tell you were to go. So I ask, why come to my blog page? You don’t know me nor do you want to. So, is it safe to say you’re a stalker?

Pathé and Mullen describe stalking as "a constellation of behaviors in which an individual inflicts upon another repeated unwanted intrusions and communications." I don’t know any of these ladies nor do I care about their opinions of me yet…they insist on communicating with me and the communicating is unwanted as I didn’t solicit it nor are these ladies my friends. Stalking can sometimes consist of an accumulation of a series of actions which in themselves can be legal, such as calling on the phone, sending gifts, unwanted emails, texts, twitter, Instagram or even comments on Facebook or on a BLOG. Hello, this reminds me of people who take the time to type a comment on something they don’t like to express how they don’t like it. Hey genius, how about ignoring it or not commenting at all since ya don’t like it?

There are all kinds of definitions out there that fit many of these women and their actions. Such as…"Stalking is a form of mental assault, in which the perpetrator repeatedly, unwantedly, and disruptively breaks into the life-world of the victim, with whom they have no relationship (or no longer have). Moreover, the separated acts that make up the intrusion cannot by themselves cause the mental abuse, but do taken together (cumulative effect).”

This one is one of my favorites that I found: Rejected stalkers pursue their victims in order to reverse, correct, or avenge a rejection (e.g. divorce, separation, termination). Hmmm, sound familiar? It does to me. Sounds like someone who can’t accept that a person moved on and is happy without them. They can’t handle the fact that this has happened so they create avenues to maintain contact with the individual instead of moving on…like a NORMAL person would.

In contrast, resentful stalkers demonstrate an almost "pure culture of persecution," with delusional disorders of the paranoid type, paranoid personalities, and paranoid schizophrenia. Like someone is always watching or following them. I’m in another state 10 hours away. I could care less what my ex does. My only concern is my visitation and that’s the only time I contact her. But of course you don’t know that because you never see the original message, only her responses.

Some research suggests there is a spectrum of what might be called "obsessed following behavior." People who complain obsessively and for years, about a perceived wrong or wrong-doer, when no one else can perceive the injury—and people who cannot or will not "let go" of a person or a place or an idea—comprise a wider group of persons that may be problematic in ways that seem similar to stalking. And this seems to fit my ex’s cult of followers. They don’t know me and the ones that do only know me based on what my ex has told them.

So there you have it…down and dirty. If you read this you need to do a self-evaluation and rethink why you are trying to engage me, a total stranger, on my blog, which you yourself have sought out (probably because Jennifer told you too)and commented on something(s) you know nothing about. In a very sad, sad attempt at trying to show me. What yall ladies really need to do is tell Jennifer and her scout Dianne to move on and stop concerning themselves with my life, my posts or anything else I do. What’s funny is none of you will and I’m hoping that you comment on this post below which will simply prove my point your stalking…or as the young kids say…YOU’RE CREEPING.


  1. It's EXACTLY what you do to your ex wife. Also? You slander her and let people publicly make malicious statements against her. Also? You make it public and KNOWN which eliminates the 'stalking' factor. You don't hide your abuse. You don't hide your lies. You are proud of it and broadcast it because you think you are entitled to hurt others. So, that means that you are not being stalked. You want the attention? You got it. Signed, FOND, loving FRIENDS of Jennifer.

  2. I'm a MAN. And, a LAWYER. Nice try with this one. You 'stalk' Jennifer with your Blog. YOU have lashed out at her hundreds of times with unheard of lies that cannot be proven in a Court of LAW. As an attorney I have read all of your blogs and sit, amazed, that you now try and play the 'victim'. I'm her friend. I know her and I know her kids. Let's just say that we can take this Civilly and you will have to recognize that M. Brent Hall won't be there to promote your abuse and lies. Give it up, Mr. Dingle. No one is 'stalking' you. You put this immature nonsense ONLINE-PUBLICLY. For the whole world to see. The only one victimized are your ex wife and her kids. You HURT them with YOUR LIES. That is a CRIME by the way. So, I strongly suggest you stop. Immediately. Or, maybe we make you go through another Forensic Expert Evaluation and they can have a FIELD DAY with all of these disturbing rants of yours.

  3. Jennifer IN~ If you don't want to have attention? Then stop with your lies. Stop drawing attention to yourself. Gee, I don't know, you should have figured that out at approximately the age of TEN YEARS OLD. Look, Jay. It's old. My kids are THRIVING with no help from you or your family-nor mine. You can't beat me. Period. Why you would ever try? Just goes to show what a nutcase you are. Beat me at what? Being an amazing Mother? Making your kids happy and guiding them to success? You see because no matter what you and your friends lie about? It's not true. All I have to do is present my kids to you. They are a reflection of me. Anyone with some common sense would know that if I were 'sleeping with teenagers' or 'married men' or being a 'fallen down drunk' that I could not POSSIBLY produce Academic Honor Roll Student Athletes. Successful People. My oldest? Alex? For all of you that saw Jerome Dingle MALICIOUSLY AND HATEFULLY ATTACK A KID WHO HE SEVERELY ABUSED? He is wonderful. Thanks to his REAL Father and I. So, Jay? If you REALLY want to go to Court? Let's go. It WILL be accompanied by National News. I promise you that. If you don't like the truth? The negative TRUTH you are finally receiving? Quit Posting. Otherwise? Do some pillow talk with your wife and keep it to yourself. Noone BELIEVES YOU ANYMORE. Loser.

  4. I'm a Clinical Psychologist and a friend of Jennifer. What I deduce from this? This is a man who hasn't 'moved' on. This is a man in a new marriage who can't stop trying to 'hurt' someone he should have moved past a LONG TIME before he remarried. It is not normal that he keeps talking about his 'pain'. This is a person who likes to portray himself as a victim. This is a sociopath. And, he is quite narcissistic. As I have told Jennifer-in my Professional opinion? This is a very disturbed and dangerous person. He is completely out of touch with reality. He needs to be medicated and he needs to be evaluated. Period. Sorry Jennifer and kids-this guy is a piece of work. God help his next victim

  5. Wow. A Canadian friend and supporter here. This guy is completely nuts. He really is NUTS! Isn't he? Eh? Well, we support Jennifer and we aren't stalking you. We just read the BS you shovel. What an a##hole! We are so sick of you over here in Ontario. We love Jennifer and her kids so you can stop messing with her now you piece of crap. What a JERK.

  6. Now they are on this post with two 'professionals' commenting. LMFAO I guess y'all aren't intelligent enough to view this blog as a TV set. If you don't like it, why read it? So in my eyes, it's all of you especially Jennifer-IN that won't move on. I have a novel idea you dumbasses, stop coming on here and you won't know what he says.

  7. Ding my man, brotha from anotha motha. Anonymous attention LOL. That is the best attention, because you don't have to actually know which idiot is worried about you, because they are they don't really count.

  8. Jerome, your just an ass. It isn't stalking when its a fucking "blog". If you don't want the attention then write your bullshit in a journal, or better yet go buy a little sissy diary and write it in that shit. Oh by the those 2 times I slept with you, it sucked. Your better with your tongue than that dick of yours. Glad fat Kerry likes it. Does she like when you use the ice on her with your tongue. I sure as hell had to fake it with you. Now KEEP my name out your fucking blog.

  9. Jennifer in! I ALWAYS know what he says because people have HARASSED ME FOR YEARS because your 'brother by another mother' lies so maybe you need to tell your 'brother' to grow up and stop lying. It's very simple. Hey-Jay! Why doesn't Kerry get you one of those little girly diaries with a lock and key? If he was 'over' me leaving his disgusting abusive ass why is he STILL playing the victim SIX YEARS LATER? Give me a break already! Jerome you are such a loser.

  10. Does your wife Kerry not read this shit???? OMFG. She be the next ex when she figures your ass out.

  11. Lol. Guess he got so used to accusing Jennifer of his lies that he thinks he can accuse the rest of us now. I'm in a cult now? And I am stalking someone who makes his lies public with a 'comment' section and all to say something. Yah. This guy is ugly and God don't like ugly. SMH. Hey-Jennifer? how did you not smack this poor excuse for a man around? LOL. A shame. A damn shame.

  12. Its funny cause she is the one that left him. Like she cares what he does. As for him putting my name is his blog, he's mad that I have seen his true colors and that me and Jen are now good friends. We both get a good laugh from his sissy drama. Eh Jay?????

  13. Yes, I left him! And he went nuts and had a big suck attack for five years and did everything he could to try and destroy me. Why did I leave? Because of this shit right on here in this 'blog'. He lies, he whines like a three year old, he creates problems for himself and then plays the 'victim'. Jay started this whole 'drinking problem' of mine in 2006 when his 'therapist'-who had never met nor evaluated me psychologically or psycho-metrically-told him I had a drinking problem.

  14. Based on HIS words. No evidence. He started setting me up all those years ago. What would he do? He would harass me for DAYS and WEEKS-driving me crazy-then he would wait until there was BBQ or we were having drinks to really push me to my limit and then say "It's because you were drinking". Sick man, I tell you. So his therapist, Betty Heck, gets him into Al-Anon behind my back! I was in Nursing School carrying a 3.97 GPA, PTO President and Team Mom of all of my kids sports. Oh! And I was Secretary of the Grid Iron Club and this idiot is going to Al-Anon? Then he drags me through three YEARS of Court-TAKES MY KIDS-financially DESTROYS us and idiots are still telling me to 'put down the bottle'. What a joke. By the way-his therapist? Betty Heck? Yeah, she OFFED herself. She KILLED HERSELF. And this was who was 'advising' him on his marriage.

  15. What does the 'Police Report' say? It says it looked like someone got angry and ripped it off. Why does it say that? Because Jay told them that and they took him for his 'word'. Oh! His pictures of the Laundry room? Hilarious. I was a single Mother with FOUR KIDS IN SPORTS. Do you know how many SOCKS THERE ARE? JUST THE SOCKS? Have YOU ever tried to keep up with four little kids and their laundry? I wish you well if you try. I ALWAYS had laundry on the go. It's, again, common sense. It is impossible to have a clean laundry room with kids changing three times a day. What a joke! But, he got away with it didn't he? Ever wonder why? I will tell you the 'why'. First of all? The USA incarcerates SEVEN TIMES MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Why? MONEY. Jails are ran by Corporate America. States have contracts with your Governments. They build jails and they need bodies. I was a 'body' that day. Look it up and educate yourselves. What else do they keep building? Courthouses. You should see the one here and you would think you were in a Metropolitan Area. They NEED PEOPLE IN COURT. Why? To justify their BUDGET and to justify the 'NEED' for more Judges. My case in point? I live in BF Egypt and their are two 'Family Court Judges'. No one will EVER convince me that their is that great of a demand for families to have 'intervention' in their lives. Nope. What is it? JOB SECURITY for the Judges, the clerks, the State Troopers and the City that financed the ridiculous 'structure' of a Court House that wasn't 'needed'. The Lawyers? Man, they even 'sniff' a contested Divorce and they will drag that sucker as long as they can. Why? MONEY. They MAKE MONEY. A LOT OF MONEY OFF OF PEOPLE LIKE JAY. CPS? Again-JOB SECURITY!!Get a family who is insured and can 'afford' all of their demands? They have a JOB. A State paid job with full benefits and a retirement. I could go on but I will stop here and leave you with the fact that Jerome Dingle never figured any of this out and he destroyed himself.

  16. Oh and I had to copy and paste this-so the part about 'ripping' something off? He and the Police say that the Oven Door looked like someone had ripped it off it's hinges. Bahahahahaaaa! I don't know about you but in 44 years of living? I've literally never seen a person 'rip' an oven door off the oven! Haha! Oh, and? Check out my FB page. I LOVE TO COOK. The last thing I would damage is my oven. But you dough heads BELIEVE this crap! Want to know what REALLY happened to the oven door? It fell apart. It was a piece of crap (I will never buy Fridgedaire again) and? ROMY went to make chicken patties and the damn thing broke. True that! But, do you think they let my kids tell the Judge this? Nope-they let Ding Dong go in there and lie. Unbelievable! But, my bad! Let me 'put down the bottle' because he says I have a 'problem'. Funny that a Forensic Expert didn't agree. Last time I checked? Jay is only an expert at fabrications. Get a life Jay!!!

  17. As I lay here reflecting, as Jerome would say...Ahhhh fuck it...half his damn blogs are boring and the other half are bashing his ex wife that he cant seem to get over. If anyone is obsessed it's him obsessing over her cause she left his left me take a selfie picture 45 times a day ass. You really are a piece of work Jerome. I kinda feel sorry for Kerry and what she is gonna have to deal with when she sees your true self. What a shame.

  18. This blog came up in a search when I was looking for another blog with the same name. I got caught up and read most of it. In my very humble opinion there is a serious long standing drama triangle going on between the two exes. Jerome is a chronic persecutor and victim when it suits. Jennifer is a victim and then a persecutor too. Dianne is a rescuer. The exes seem to be stuck in a routine of feeding off each other and neither seems aware of how deep their dependency may run.

    Here is a page on the drama triangle, in the case that none of you know of it. I hope you read it. Good luck and get some good help.

  19. Ahahaaaa! I don't know who wrote that last comment but it sounds like some armchair 'therapist' to me. Hilarious. Why? Because the ONLY time I have heard that ISH is when Jerome was seeing his former therapist, Betty Heck, who had three FAILED marriages under her belt and KILLED HERSELF. Look, I really DON'T care what theories people believe in. People still (rarely) use Freud's psychological theories. And? He was addicted to COCAINE and most of his 'studies' were snorting too! Haha! Anyone can have a theory but that is WHY this Country is so EFFED UP! So, if you want me to tell you who you can base your 'opinion' on my victimization and WHY I have be brutalized? Read Erikson. Figure out for yourself where JEROME DINGLE STOPPED EMOTIONALLY DEVELOPING. That being said? It's his problem not mine. I stopped trying to 'help' him YEARS AGO. He is insane. So, let's talk about my victimization and then 'persecution'. If someone victimizes another? It is NOT persecution to fight back. Since you seem to know so much you should understand the 'Fight or Flight' response. It's not persecution. It's a reaction that you SHOULD know for every action there IS a REACTION. That doesn't equate to persecution. Nice try though and you may want to rethink your psycho babble about the 'triangle'. Another thing you may want to think about your 'drama triangle' theory is that when there is abuse? There is NO triangle. The abuser controls everything and render the victim helpless. So, in essence, what I am saying is take your theory and shove it. Get more educated and, please, for every victim like me out there? QUIT GIVING ABUSERS EXCUSES. Too many people are hurt when you teach lying jerks like Jerome Dingle to not be 100% completely RESPONSIBLE for being a narcissist. In regards to Dianne being a 'rescuer'? Okay, still laughing about that one. So, you are saying that if someone defends another and stands up against the ABUSE and VICTIMIZATION (you said it!) of another they are a'rescuer' and have now become part of a 'triangle' and a 'dynamic' of abuse? Is that what you are saying? Well, here is what I say to THAT. I say you are full of shit. I say your theory is bullshit and that is why it is not very popular (except for therapists that KILL THEMSELVES). I say it is an individual who has also been victimized because he lied to her too and tried to use her as a third party to ABUSE ME! So, if you still want to claim you just 'found' this blog (yeah right-this is either Jerome or someone he knows-is it you Kerry?) and you still want to offer up some help? Because you care so much, right? About people you don't even know? Then tell Jerome to get help because I am tired of being victimized and if he doesn't stop? I have SO MUCH EVIDENCE OF HIS ABUSE I WILL PERSECUTE HIM. PERIOD.

  20. Tell em Jen. I know he lied on you. He had me believing you were this awful person which is NOT the case. Me and you sister....we know the truth. Give Kerry a few years, she will see. I got a good laugh from the armchair therapy too. Bahahahahaha

  21. I forgot to add that Jerome Dingle is not just a narcissist. He is a Sociopath and meets every criteria. I know the DSM-V very well (and if you are qualified? You will know what I am talking about). The ONLY criteria he didn't meet up until 2011? Was committing a crime (although he really DID when he PHYSICALLY ABUSED ME-did you know he was FLAGGED in the Military because he admitted his abuse to a 'Therapist'? Did you know they would never let me make that a part of Court Record?) In 2011 he stole $3500.00 from the US Government pretending to move his kids with him. It's record with CID. Check it out. He LIED AND PERJURED AND ABUSED HIS KIDS TO HURT ME (ABUSE 101-THEY USE YOUR KIDS AGAINST YOU duhhhh) So, does your ridiculous 'triangle' theory include these facts? Are you saying I 'persecuted' him because I wanted not only my God Given RIGHT to parent my children but also MY RIGHT under the Supreme Court of America? Are you saying I 'persecuted' him when I was devastated because I couldn't see MY OWN CHILDREN and VOICED that devastation? Are you saying that I persecuted him when I called him a 'liar', 'asshole', 'Mother FUCKER' for TAKING MY KIDS FROM ME that I was 'persecuting' HIM? Nope. I was using adjectives to describe the NOUN that lied and hurt my kids. Only liars, assholes and Mother Fuckers do that to a Woman and her kids. You are saying I should have kept my mouth shut and not reacted? To lies? To the torture of not seeing my OWN KIDS in a system that didn't require evidence? You are saying I became a part of a 'triangle'? That I was 'persecuting' him according to your 'theory'? You are a NUT CASE! Do your statements take into account that he committed a CRIME when he opened an Insurance Policy in my name? WITHOUT my knowledge. Long story and I could go on about his criminal acts- but the POINT? The POINT is that I wasn't a part of any triangle. Period. I had no control and no part in this drama and only left with one option: FIGHT. Jerome Dingle does what he does. He LIES. And I have no 'say' in it. I will; however, find out the author of your BS 'triangle' theory and then make it a point to delete it from any 'armchair therapists'-like yours- minds. This is one of the MOST DANGEROUS THEORIES TO DATE. Holding Victims 'accountable' for their reactions of their abusers is insane. And then 'persecuting' the Victim for their 'fight' response of which they are ENTITLED TO. Stop 'blaming the victim'. THAT IS ABUSE. That is comparable to holding the child victims of the Sandy Hook Massacre ACCOUNTABLE for a nut job going in and shooting them. You know the REAL reason why so many DIE in America and why the DSM keeps changing? Idiots like you. Just saying. Idiots like you. If you really are a qualified professional? (Which, please, Jay, I know this is you or some idiot you associate with) Do America a favor and RETIRE. You are wasting MY OXYGEN.

  22. Thanks, Dianne, my 'rescuer'. Bahahaa. Does this idiot NOT realize that to be in a 'triangle' you have to be 'involved' with them? I LEFT HIM. I DIVORCED HIM because I am not a 'Drama Addict' like him (Betty Heck's words in an e-mail to me-you know-the therapist that couldn't save her OWN marriages and was so emotionally unstable she killed herself-yeah, her). I don't 'do' triangles. Oh, and Betty Heck thought of herself as the 'rescuer'. I have all of the e-mails and the Forensic EXPERT had a field day with those too. Yep. I also don't BLOG almost entirely about a Man I hate and despise. I am; however, SICK AND TIRED of being slandered and will not keep my mouth shut when a completely mentally ill ASSHOLE keeps lying about me. If you read his blogs surely you must see that he HAS A SERIOUS OBSESSION WITH ME. To be more accurate he has a SERIOUS OBSESSION WITH MAKING ME LOOK BAD AND MAKING PEOPLE ANGRY AT ME. He is a complete monster. Period. And? I have every right to have a problem with this scary blog which is representative of the IMAGINARY World he lives in. He needs medication.
