Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Understand

"Sometimes we need to take a seat away from the table so that we can see it. Its not about knowing you have a place at the table but understanding your place at the table."

It's early Saturday morning as oppossed to late Saturday morning. Laying in bed...thinking, because thats what I do early on a Saturday morning. I spend alot of time thinking and contemplating my actions and the actions of others. respect to my life.

 I do this because it helps me understand and allows me to move forward. See for me understanding is probably the most important thing a person can do. We spend alot of time with many of our thoughts and behaviors which we in turn act on. And for most when we act we tend to not have all the information needed to turn our thoughts into the correct action. And if said action fails, whose fault is it anyway?

 So when you think about it taking time to understand can save you time and or heartache. But the reason many dont take the time to do this is becuase understanding is a tough thing to do. It requires, time, patience and of course desire. You have to desire to know and have that missing information so you can make the correct action. See, when seeking understanding you have to be open and accepting of outcomes and answers that you might not like. Which for some is why they dont try to understand. Its like it requires you to give up a small piece of yourself and leaves you wide open. For some I think this makes them feel vulnerable thus they dont bother. We are accustomed to getting things now and how we like it. Just like fast food. But understanding doesnt come quick and easy. You maybe required to do some reading and research which could take weeks. Weeks you maybe unwilling to give.

 And fear....I think fear plays a role in this too. We can sometimes be afraid of the answers or where understanding may take us. I really believe it causes you to take the time to do self evaluations and assements of you as well as your character. And...maybe make some corrections every now and again. But you know babysitters...thats what life is all about; growing, becoming wiser, smarter and more well rounded as a person and conversationalist. babysitters, I challenge you to practice some understanding when dealing with whatever life throws your way today. No jumping to conclusions, no half cocked ideas and no putting your foot in your mouth. Take some time to let that or those thoughts and or actions marinate around for awhile. Look at the totality of the situation you find yourself in and then think it through. Im willing to bet you will come out on the other side in a much better and heathier place and state than which you entered. "Wisdom...the application of knowledge." One of my favorite quotes because knowledge comes from understanding. And with that...Im gonna say enjoy this beautiful Saturday.


  1. You make no fucking sense. Who really gives a rats ass that you are "thinking", "reflecting", or laying in bed. WHO CARES. Don't you have a wife to call or go see? Ugh this shit showing up in my "feeds" gets on my nerves. If you want to write take a damn class to learn how to do so correctly. Now you can delete this comment, because we all know you don't have the balls to take what others think about your non-sense. Ugh...Damn...

  2. Actually, I have no need to delete your comments. See...folks will read your comments and know exactly what you are. Kinda like free advertisement. In look like an ass and I have no problem allowing you to do so. ;-)

  3. I'd rather look like an ass then be one like you. I see you deleted Jennifer's comment. Did it hit a nerve????
