Friday, May 4, 2012


Life, you live and you die. Seems pretty simple but it surely is not. And when you add people and or relationships…it becomes less simple and more complicated. Have you ever sat and wondered…just how you arrived at your current destination in life? No matter where you are…have you just thought, a minute here, a "no" there and my life could and or would be so very different. And then…if you had the ability to go back, knowing what you know now, would you change things. Avoid people and or things that happened and set you on your current path. Because God knows…there are some questionable people out there. Some whom have come into your life and made it better and some who have consistently only made it worse. Numerous times we sit and think to ourselves “Man, wish I could get a do over.” Hell, I know I have. Imagine the chance to go back to school and get better grades. Talk to that girl you passed on the street. Make the investment that you thought was too risky. I mean the possibilities are endless. The things we could fix if given the opportunity. Life, love, career…everything is open to a do over. Everything is eligible for a fix. But what would be the cost? And do we really, really want a do over? I’m not sure. I know I can honestly say looking back…I sure would be open to a do over.

1 comment:

  1. Every man looks into that mirror at one time or another in their life. They ask "What if?!" But you know, you would never like that person. Because you have been molded into the character that you are today. You would not be half the man you are today without the trails and tribulations of your past, nor would you appriciate things like you do today. So would you prefer to be less caring, more self centered, more about oneself, or would you look into that mirror and say, "My life has been hard and at times it sux'd, but you know I stopped and smelled some roses along the way. I spent a few seconds with others that I truely admire today, and some I will rather forget. but through it all, I have tried hard to make each day better than yesterday. I have fallen, made mistakes but I have gained so much from my errors. I am humbled by the greater power allowing me one more second on the wonderous world. And I thank all those whom have gone on this ride with me. Good, bad and otherwise, they ave shaped me into a caring individual. I hope I can in someway impart my knowledge and experiences on the future generations, so they can make things better then I have." But all-in-all, Thanks for letting me have the chance to be "ME". I am not perfect, but I care!...a do over, maybe a do over, but just to relive those time that are most special and dear to my heart. But change anything, I think not. I like whom I am, and I hope you do too!~ But thanks for offering!~ It was a great jesture to offer it up to me, Thanks.......
