Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The amount of arrogance never ceases to amaze

So something is amiss between Jennifer and my daughter. So after speaking with my daughter who was clearly upset I contacted my former spouse so that I could get her side.

 I'm not sure what is going on but the seemingly unfair treatment of our daughter needs to stop. You are her mother as you gave her birth. I can not for the life of me understand what is going on or why you are treating her as you have been the last few days. Not feeding her or allowing her to do laundry is unacceptable behavior by any standard. So, please contact me at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss a resolution to this issue. In case you forgot, my cell is 123-456-7890. I look forward to your call so that as parents we can work together to find a solution."

Her response...classic.

"Give me a break. Maybe the fact that you and Kerry are parenterally alienated me? Hmmm.... Or the fact that Jeffrey and her came home cussing me out? Hmmmm or the fact that they have been told-and constantly are telling me that the child support is "THEIR money". So how about you pay your child support douche bag? I will be asking the Judge for ALL late payment charges for these few months as well. Oh, and tell your daughter to have some respect. But that wouldn't ever happen since you have pumped their heads full of insanity. It will all come back on you. And NEVER call my phone again."

My final words to her

"They came home cussing you? I'm alienating you? You do realize that they live with you so that is impossible. 

You are their Mom and you are required to take care of them. Child support is for them and their care. This includes food, clothing, shelter. It is my half of taking care of them. You still are required to do your share....FINANCIALLY! 

So since you are unwilling to call me and act as an adult I will gain insight into whats going on through alternate means. Out of respect I called so that you the PARENT could fill me the PARENT in. Your unwillingness to do so leads me to draw my own conclusions and take action accordingly. Have a good day."

The amount of arrogance this woman has never ever ceases to amaze me.

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