Saturday, October 27, 2012

I Believe Romney Has Already Loss

Saturday morning and as I lay in the bed watching the news I have come to a realization. Although I’m not a supporter of Obama (this has nothing to do with my military service) I believe he will be reelected. You may ask how come after weeks of debate and good conversations with friends from all walks of life on facebook and in person. Well it’s like this…Obama is already in office so any one, including Romney, has an up hill battle ahead. And when you fight battles you have got to have troops, support, supplies and a very good or solid plan. In the military, we have a saying. All plans are good plans until you make first contact.

Well Romney made first contact and instead of developing the situation rapidly, he stuck to his original plan. Instead of convincing voters of who he is, where he is, where he’s coming from and his vision for our country; not apologizing for being rich, he has wasted time and money on “petty” ads and comments trying to play the “blame” or “zingers” game. In 2008, Obama did a good job of not “slinging” mud and sticking to his plan which was change. And it worked, people bought into it, voted and he was elected. This year however he is doing and has done a lot of “trash” talking, especially in the last week. Why? Because he already has a solid base of supporters across the country and although he may loose a few hear and there, he still has a solid foundation which is more than enough to keep him in office.

I don’t think there are enough people who are unhappy with Obama to vote Romney in and unseat him. And that’s mainly Romney’s campaign’s (plan of attack) fault or fatal flaw. As I sat and watched MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow it became very clear. Not only is Romney trying to win over the undecided and those Obama supporters who he has made unhappy; he’s also battling the liberal media outlets. So he’s got a President already in office and a slew of media outlets that aren’t challenging the President on things he’s not done well or promises he hasn’t kept. So those individual’s who are on the fence or are unhappy supporters, needed Romney to come forward and explain as well as get his message out in a clear and concise manner. And its crunch time…and I feel it’s a lil too late. Those undecided are probably going to go with what they already know.

Benghazi and what’s become public should be a much bigger story then it is but there are more liberal media outlets so the tough questions aren’t being asked and discussed. Romney decided to give Obama a “pass” on this and other topics in foreign affairs in hopes of gaining more female support. But when you have Senators making ridiculous statements about abortion, rape (I understand what he was saying he just said it all wrong) and a woman’s choice, that will severely damage your name and stance. The President isn’t being called out on his perceived action or lack there of. None who are supporters have come forward and said, “yeah…he may have screwed up on that one.” People are ignoring it and focusing on jobs, or abortion comments. I look at comments here on FB and when I look at my page and my friends list, I have a “Stew” of friends because there is no such thing as a “Melting Pot.” You see within a “Stew” many of the vegetables and meats keep there shape and overall taste but they do become influenced and acquire some of the flavors from other meats and veggies in the stew. We as a people are no different. We maybe one thing but we have the flexibility to go, do and see things that allow us to change our opinions. My friends on FB are a true representation of our country. Men, woman, gay, straight, Hispanic, Black, White, API, young, old, educated, rich, poor, I could go on and on. Can you say the same about those you choose to include within your “Circle of Friends?”

So when it comes to this battle, I am coming to the realization that Romney’s plan of attack should have been changed and modified as he fought his campaign. Problem is the fighting was moving faster than his plan could handle and we have found ourselves where we are; which is in a neck in neck race to the finish-line. The finish-line, being the White House. Romney should have had a decent lead to compensate for those undecided voters. But without a good lead and a good solid plan for those undecided and wishy washy to sink their teeth into…I think they are just gonna go with what they know because they haven’t been pushed or truly turned off by Obama’s administration from the last 4 years. That and some just don’t want to admit that they may have been wrong voting for him and want to be able to say “See we told you. He did keep his promises and get the job done.” Problem is he can only serve two terms so his second term he can do what he wishes in some regards.

So…I hope things get better and he does a better job because if he doesn’t all you who have claimed that things are better and he obtained the seat with a country in a bad place…will have lost all credibility with me and I will gladly tell you to SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE!!! You put him there, now deal with it. Don’t complain because you had a chance to make and effect change and you choose the easy way out.

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