For most of you
Friday is a welcome sight as you are looking forward to the weekend, have a few
beers, relax and throw some steaks on the grill; however for me, this Friday...not
so. Today is Friday and it’s a grave reminder that my time has run out.; as it
is HS and MS football season in Hardin County Kentucky and the “dead period” is
over which means that two players who bare the same name as I must return to
join their teammates as they prepare for yet another season. As a father it is
one of the things I always looked forward to with their older brother as well
as when I played and coached them on youth teams. My youngest son...I have
never seen him play Middle School football and I likely never will. It's sad
but it is a part of the realities of life. I have responsibilities to them as a
father which unfortunately keeps me from actually being there to see either of
them play. Crazy ain’t it. But that’s what grownups do when you have children
that you are responsible for. You make the hard decisions so that hopefully,
they won't have to when it's their turn.
I’ve waited patiently since the X-mas break
and visit for the privilege of working with and training my sons this summer
prior to their seasons starting. See, it's not about me but them. Some may have gotten tired of my
"Project Build-A-Beast" posts, pictures and comments. To you I
say..."Tell it to my balls!" As I really don't give a damn. I got to
get up and 5 days a week since 7 June I got to work out with my sons every morning
and afternoons. I know some father's that don't have the time to do this nor do
they care. And that's ok for them as it's my choice to do what I do for my
sons. Not necessarily to make up for lost time but because they are my sons and
I want to see them be the best they
can be.
Life is short and childhood is getting shorter
every single year. My father wasn't able to be there for me and help me with
sports and or train. I have the knowledge, ability and time to so I'd be a fool
not to. I have watched and listened to Rome and Jeff, smile, laugh, argue and
throw up (twice LOL) since we started this lil venture. I have watched my
younger son's face display disappointment when he was slapped with the reality
that he wasn't as strong as he thought he was and then beam with joy when he
pressed just over 70lbs over his head. I've watched his form like a hawk and
have gone from correcting his every move to "Good rep son" as he'd
finish a set. He is smart and he has learned as well as worked hard with me.
They were here for father’s day which made it that much sweeter too.
My middle son...I'm
just as proud of him too. He came 3 weeks later and dove right into our Cross-fit
football sessions. I was impressed but mostly proud of his strength and desire.
He has a good work ethic that I attribute to his own personal desire to excel
on the field. Yeah...he argued and cried some too but that’s to be expected.
But the pics and conversations they provided me with are some I will treasure
for a life time. My sons are growing up fast and I've missed so much. But
having my summer cut short by their commitment to football and their teammates
are something a father can only be proud of not jealous or angry.

So tonight we will
take in a movie Rome and Jeff are dying to see and we will surely laugh and get
to bed late. Arise early and hit the road for the airport in Raleigh where
their journey back to KY awaits them along with their respective coaches and
teammates. Yes they have missed a week but they won’t be behind physically
they put in work this summer. It pains me that I don’t get to see them
play as I got to be there and watch their older brother play. On some levels I
feel a lil cheated but as I said…as an adult, sometimes you have to do the
things you don’t want to do until you get to do the things you want to do. I
love my sons with all my heart and they know this to be true. As I am their
biggest fan and supporter of all that they choose to do.
So Rome and Jeff…I’ve enjoyed our summer and
I’m happy for every day I got to spend with you. I’ve enjoyed the jokes,
debates, smiles, frowns, looks and the laughter. I’ve enjoyed the arguing and
the whining. I’ve enjoyed being pissed off at you and enjoyed smiling at you.
But most of all…I’ve simply enjoyed…just being your father. Love you always
your biggest fan…Dad.