Saturday, March 1, 2014

Laying in bed...whats on my mind this morning

Hey babysitters! That’s’s me again. How yall doin? Ahhh yeah....Saturday morning 0552 but only till 1200. What all you got planned for today? I know you’re wondering so let me tell you. I got laundry to do, tighten up two bathrooms and a kitchen. My wife is supposed to be dropping in on me so...I must be prepared. So with that being said...what’s really going on?

I’ve avoiding watchin the news for quite some time since all it does is piss me off. Seems everyone clearly knows what’s right and wrong yet no one is willing to take a step forward and act; at least no one with some power. So the other day I made it a point to connect with someone this week that I’ve never really talked to. One of the MAJs I work with. So as we stood in one of the offices I asked him a very serious question which I think kinda threw him just a tad.

"Sir, I got a question. Can you explain to me why I should care about what’s going on in the Ukraine?", I said with a straight face which he returned my gaze with a somewhat puzzled look.

"Ummm you want the short answer or the long answer," with a slight chuckle.

"Naw Sir I’m serious. I wanna know."

With a more serious look on his face, "Ok...well it’s like this..."

He started with a whisper as we were standing in someone else’s office waiting on my LTC. And so it began he talked and I listened. One thing I learned from this conversation is that the cat is smart as shit. Most of the planners I work with are. But as he began to talk and answer my question I was like, where is all this coming from and how did he know all of it. Many Soldiers will talk ish about their Officers but you know some are good dudes and if that’s the case you need to establish a relationship with them especially if your are a NCO. Me, I’m a people person...I generally like people and will always give a person a chance. Well as my MAJ continued to explain I listened and at times I had to put it into terms that clearly make sense to me and ensured him that I did follow where he was going as well as what he was saying. So this conversation continued until we got back to his office and then we continued to talked. And every now and again I threw in an analogy just to let him know I was still following. And when we were done…I clearly understood why we as Americans should be concerned with what’s going on in Ukraine.

            Now I wonder if anyone in the media has tried to explain it to the rest of America.  Probably not, as it’s their job to inform us and educate us on some level yet they seem to shy away from that responsibility seeing how ratings are more important. And I’m sure I could try and explain it as it was explained to me but that would take a hot minute and a lot more information than I have available on the subject. I’m sure I could explain it as how it makes sense to me in my brain but I’m not sure you’d get it or I'd do a good job but I will try.

The reason we should concern ourselves with Ukraine is based on economics and our status as a world super power. This whole thing started out after WWII with the “Bretton Wood Conference” in 1944. The end result of this conference and agreement within the business community is that the “US dollar” became the official currency which all international business and trade was to use. This was impart because at the end of WWII we emerged as the world super power and also due to the size of our military and that we had the largest and most powerful military….in the world. In other words who had enough ass to tell us no. And so it began, our reign as a “world” super power. Now this translates over to economics and our ability to lend, borrow money and collect debt owed to us. And that's where my knowledge is lacking so I will have to explain it as it makes relative sense to me. 

Ok, here is where I may lose some because again, I understand it in my brain but typing it out is a whole other matter. So fast forward to today much has changed and bonds have replaced gold as the major collateral for lending and or debt. (Think back on movies how the bad guys used to always ask for gold, then at some point they started asking for bonds) We rely on countries borrowing from us because when their economies flourish…so do ours. If other countries see us as weak and what not, they won’t borrow from us and then we will be forced to raise interest rates so as offset the costs of our debt making our lives tougher and more expensive. So…let me try this analogy.
The world is a “neighborhood” full of beautiful homes and yards. So America is this big beautiful house on one particular street; lavish green lawn, beautiful trees and garden, just lovely. We are the envy of the neighborhood (i.e. western world). Now, because we are doing so well we have the ability and time to help our neighbors (other countries) out with their properties.

We give them lawn carrying tips and show them how to make and keep their homes as beautiful as ours. Because we understand…that as long as we keep everyone’s properties looking good, if one of us decides to sell they won’t have a problem doing so and turning a nice profit in the process. Folks from OTHER neighborhoods start to come to ours to talk to us about how they can too can transform their neighborhoods into one like ours (i.e. westernize their country). Now, there are other “neighborhoods” that aren’t as nice as ours and many of them are jealous of our hood (those who despise westerners and our way of life). So every so often someone comes in and starts bullying, messing or vandalizing a neighbor’s property. We form a neighborhood watch (treaties) that say we will always look out for each other and back each other up. So as long as we can show the neighborhood we are the go too house, they will continue to come to us to receive tips and what not (i.e. money).

We have the best security systems, dogs, fences, etc. (aka our Military) money can buy and our neighbors clearly know our house is safe. And we have been known to lend some tips on security and help our neighbors set up their own security systems and swing by from time to time because we are all a part of the neighborhood watch. So when one home does and continues to do well, it benefits us all. Problem is we are always dealing with those from outside our hood and their attempts to ruin what we have. But as long as we are the biggest and baddest house on the street, we will be good. Problem is when our lawns start slipping, security systems get breached and we are vandalized neighbors are gonna start to wonder can we really continue to provide them with tips and assistance. In other words can we continue to lead the “Neighborhood watch?”

So I’m hoping I didn’t confuse you too much but in my brain it makes sense. Ukraine has resources and things that Russia wants. Problem is Ukraine what’s to have a house like ours and Russia doesn’t like that one bit. If we don’t help them out people are going to start seeing us as weak and thus our lending ability will decrease because if we are too weak to stand up for our friends and ourselves one will assume we don’t have the might and or muscle to collect on our debt. And when that happens, we all lose.

So…that’s where my mind is early, early on a Saturday morning. So…this started out as a random Facebook paste but grew into a much longer fire side chit chat. So I’m gonna grab me some coffee and start my morning. I hope this peaks your curiosity and causes you to do some reading and understanding of things on a global scale and understand why we always have to stick our nose into world affairs. Because when our friends do well...we do well and when are friends do poorly...we will eventually suffer and do poorly too. Hope it all makes a lil sense. ;-)